Little Lotte was only 2 days old when we took these pictures and her older siblings could not have been more excited to show her off and shower her with love!

recent work posted here
Little Lotte was only 2 days old when we took these pictures and her older siblings could not have been more excited to show her off and shower her with love!
Aaand...the reason I've been so behind on updating the blog and website:
(ps the baby is due in 2 weeks and since most everything else is ready for her arrival, I'm trying to get a few updates done here so I don't get even further behind when our baby girl joins us)
Just a few food shots that I did this summer to help out a friend . It's definitely not my strongest area of photography but it was fun to do something different!
I'm always pleased to have an overcast sky on a day when I'll be outside shooting portraits. The clouds provide a beautiful soft light to everyone's face that is far preferable to a bright blue sky. However, I get a bit nervous about moisture falling out of those lovely overcast skies and now that I live in London I can pretty much guarantee more overcast skies than blue ones, but I can also guarantee more rain than not. This was the case for Sam and Gemma and the heavy showers passing through the area right when we were scheduled to shoot made me super nervous. But I learned an important distinction between my English and American clients; my English clients are not afraid of the rain! While I was carefully checking the weather every 30 minutes they were barely concerned and it helped me to relax too. As luck would have it, we did mostly dodge the rain, just a short sprinkle in the middle of the session which we easily worked around, and the results are some really fun and beautiful shots of the soon to be newlyweds! Greenwich is my new favourite photo spot--I visit regularly and am so pleased with how it worked as a backdrop to portraits. I think I'll be using it a lot more often in the future--rain or not!